The love for nature right from my youth brought me to where I am today. Always inquisitive, asking my inner mind why did it happen? How did it happen? Any positive or negative effect on human or their environment? So funny that during my primary school days, I cherished being a lawyer- that is the way they dress, a nurse – the white dressing, and owning a supermarket – with varieties of items to sell.
As I grew up and seeing people of these professions beside me, I began to change my mind. If as a lawyer, I looked at my future, and thought of what would happen if I didn’t carry out my investigations properly and misjudged, what would happen? I dropped the idea.
Also, There was a hospital beside our house where I lived, and I cherished the way injections were given to patients and the doctors and nurses cared about patients’ health. I bought a teddy and always gave teddy injections, always fascinated to using the needles and injections, naughty me. Thank God there was nothing like HIV or COVID then. From our family friends’ stories, I saw families having arguments just because the husband or wife, who is not a nurse, does not trust the other that is a nurse. Why? I became afraid and had to drop the idea that I do not want a relationship where I would not be able to trust my husband who will be a nurse or for my husband not to trust me as a nurse. I dropped the idea of becoming a nurse again.
Afterwards, my concentration now fixed on having a supermarket in the future and I started selling things to my classmates and getting cool cash. However, in a supermarket, in those days, I never thought there were machines or POS that could take stocks of items bought or sold. The issue of how I will take stocks of items frightened me and I ran away from this idea and decided to see what nature has in stock for me. Time will tell.
And it happened in my secondary school! My chemistry teacher made me fall in love with chemistry, asides mathematics. I used my personal money to buy practical chemistry textbooks showing the extent to which I love this subject. I became fascinated with all the colors produced during reactions. From here grew my inquisitiveness for chemistry and nature.
As it grew, I chose to study chemistry for my first degree. The branch of chemistry that can allow me to determine what is present in a substance and the amount, and this branch is analytical chemistry, and with this, apart from lecturing, I can be an entrepreneur while maintaining my academic duties and research projects. I studied analytical chemistry for my master’s program and saw many merits in this area. This led to my continuation in studying analytical and environmental chemistry for my PhD program. This is where my inner mind has taken me to. With research in various areas in analytical and environmental chemistry, I believe sky is the limit and takes you to secure level.
Can you say something about your inner mind from youth till this moment? I will be happy to read....